08:00 – 18:00 Võistluskeskus avatud
11:00 ME/MU distants 33 km
12:30 MSen 1-5, MSport, M/NJ, NSen 1-4, NE, NU distants 20,7 km
15:30 M/N 16, MSen 6-8 distants 14,1 km

17:00 – 20:00 Võistlusnumbrite väljastamine grupisõitudeks Valgas
17:30 „Gustav Cafe“ coffee-ride, distants 58 km, ühisstart Valgas, suure ringiga tutvumine

08:00 – 18:30 Võistluskeskus avatud
08:00 – 09:30 Registreerimine Saare lastesõitudele
10:00 MSport, MSen 1-2 distants 112,7 km
10:10 Lastesõit 5-6 aastased 1 km
10:30 Lastesõit 7-8 aastased 2 km
10:50 Lastesõit 9-10 aastased 3 km
11:10 Lastesõit 11-12 aastased 4 km
13:10 M16 distants 81,6 km
13:20 MSen 6-8 distants 30,3 km
16:00 MJ distants 112,7 km
16:10 N16 distants 50,5 km

08:00 – 18:30 Võistluskeskus avatud
10:00 NE, NU, NJ, NSport, NSen 1-4 distants 88,6 km
12:40 MSeenior 3-5 distants 88,6 km
13:00 MU/ME distants 173,3 km

Registreerimine lõpeb

Baltic Road Championships 2021

11:00-12:30 Checking licenses, issuing competition numbers
13:00 Meeting with Teams Managers
14:00 MU road race, distance 114km

08:00 – 18:00 The competition center is open
11:00 ME/MU distance 33 km
12:30 MSen 1-5, MSport, M/WJ, WSen 1-4, WE, WU distance 20,7 km
15:30 M/W 16, WSport, WSen 1-4, MSen 6-8 distance 14,1 km

17:00 – 20:00 Confirmation of riders and numbers distribution
17:30 “GUSTAV CAFE” Coffee ride, joint training on road race track (58km).

08:00 – 18:30 The competition center is open
08:00 – 09:30 Registration for children’s races
10:00 M Sport/Amateurs; M Masters 30-49 distance 112,7 km
10:10 Children’s race 5-6 years old, 1 km
10:30 Children’s race 7-8 years old, 2 km
10:50 Children’s race 9-10 years old, 3 km
11:10 Children’s race 11-12 years old, 4 km
13:10 M16 distance 81,6 km
13:20 M Masters 65-75+ distance 30,3 km
16:00 MJ distance 112,7 km
16:10 W16 distance 50,5 km

08:00 – 18:30 The competition center is open
10:00 WJ, WE/WU, W Sport/amateurs, W Masters 30-59 distance 88,6 km
12:40 M Masters 50-64 distance 88,6 km
13:00 ME/MU distance 173,3 km

Registration ends